

Allotment Plot Information

Allotments are plots of land that are made available for individual, non professional gardening.

Allotments have lots of benefits, including:

  • Community: better quality of urban life.
  • Environment: conservation of biotopes.
  • Families: meaningful leisure activity teaching children where food comes from and how it is grown.
  • Green Issues: self sufficiency.
  • Sense of achievement: grow tasty, organic food on your doorstep.

Important Information:- Please read carefully before applying for an Allotment.

Allbrook Parish Council manages two allotment sites.


Broomhill allotment site is a 117 plot site and is situated off Broomhill Way, Allbrook.

Facilities: Water, Electricity, Toilets and Communal Store.

Plot Size: 100 x 5 rods (1 rod = 25.29 square metres) and 17 x 2.5 rods

Lincoln's Rise

Lincoln's Rise allotment site is a 15 plot site and is situated off Lincoln's Rise, Allbrook.

Facilities: Water and Toilet.

Plot Size: 5 rods (1 rod = 25.29 square metres) - varying sizes.

How do I apply for an Allotment Plot?

To apply for an allotment plot, please fill in the form below or email the Allotment Officer at

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