Your Council

Your Council


Allbrook Parish Council currently has 6 Councillors elected to office on 5 May 2022 and 2 Councillors co-opted on 28 June 2022. Councillors will serve a 4 year term. Elections will take place for all Councillors again in 2026.

David Betts
David Betts

4 Oakfields, Allbrook, Eastleigh, SO50 4RP
07990 615734
Register of Interest

Richard Daniels
Richard Daniels
Paul Handley-Garland (Vice Chair)
Paul Handley-Garland (Vice Chair)
Kathy O'Neill
Nancy Palmer (Chair)
Graeme Smith
Graeme Smith
Paul Wilkinson
Paul Wilkinson

Westfield House, Knowle Hill, Eastleigh, SO50 4LZ
07766 108886
Register of Interest